Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Creating the poster

We all decided that this was going to be our initial photo which we would edit to create our poster.
The first thing we did to edit it was to change the contrast and lighting of the whole picture so it was more of a red/deep orange around the legs and the legs itself were almost if not completely black. This made the legs stand out a lot more against these deep colours.

The next part we edited was the actual background, because as you can see above there are odd white patches in the background on the left hand side that we did not want, but instead wanted it all one colour so at first we decided to make it all white to see what it looked like. However as you can see below that did not work our as well as we first thought it would.
So instead we used the 'clone' tool to pick out an orange from the colours already there and use that instead and cover all of the white section in that deep orange. And as you can see below it looks much better than before and produces a shadow like image because of the darkness of the colour.
The next step was to add our text onto the poster. We used the same text as we used in the trailer, as it then links together more, we put the Seized in big block capitals and in a light brown so it can be seen. We then added the smaller text below, which was also in our trailer, but in a white so it stands out against everything else.
The last bit we needed the add was the small print text that ran along the bottom of the poster. We looked in detail at other sixth sense posters to see what they wrote at the bottom (at the one we were looking at before did not have this writing) and decided that we would use most of the text at the end of the trailer, saying who produced and made it, and put that at the bottom of the poster.
 To complete the look we added an extra few mm to the bottom of our poster and used the 'clone' tool again to copy other sections of the carpet. This was done for two reasons, the first was because in the picture above you can slightly see the ridge of the other carpet from another room so we wanted to remove that if we could. The other reason was we felt it was too squashed at the bottom and it looked as though he was standing on top of the text. By making it slightly longer we were able to fix this problem and also have room to put a website at the bottom.
However after looking at it and discussing it with a teacher and other students we believed that there needed to be something more on the poster. We decided the play around with the white text as we felt that the poster does not really tell anyone what the trailer is about. In the end we added the text below and we all feel that it tells people what it is about without giving too much away.

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