Monday, 5 March 2012


To make our trailer look like a professional one we need to add a copyright green screen at the very beginning of the trailer. We researched into different ones and came to the conclusion that this was the best one we found and easiest the edit to make our own one:
We took this from Google and searched into trailers and saw this was used often in films. However we could not just copy this picture and put it into our trailer we had to edit parts to make it legit.
The copyright photo below is the one we made ourselves by editing the original. We removed the two websites in the corners and also the last line. Then we made up two websites called '' and '' as they sound legit but also are not real. We changed the last line by removing 'motion picture association of America, inc.' and added our own interpretation of it. Although here it is easy to see the editing we have done because the text we have added does not have the dark shadow outline that the rest of the text does have. However when we put it in the trailer it does not notice. Also the other difference is the websites are a lot smaller  then that of the original. However this is only noticeable when compared to the real copyright, so when put into the trailer it does not matter.

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