Thursday, 5 April 2012

More research into magazine front covers

In my first research I looked mainly at the big sections such as the photo used and the main text on it. However I did not look into pricing of the magazine, bar code or dates and although they are only small aspects they are very important as well. I will look into Empire and Total Film again and see how they have put these three sections in their magazines.

With this magazine all the bar codes are on the left hand side or in the bottom left corner. Also the date and price is always at the top in between the 'M'. This means that the customer always knows where the price is and when it comes out. The Gif below shows 5 of Empire's magazine front covers and all show this same layout. There are one or two exceptions to this, however it is literally only 1 or 2 as every other cover I have seen looks like the ones below.
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Total Film
Total Film and Empire are very similar in the fact they put the bar codes mainly on the left hand side or left bottom corner and also interestingly they both have the price and date inbetween the letter 'M'. Total Film also have the issue number here showing how many magazines they have produced. Below are more examplesto show this.

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Price research
To put a price on my magazine I have decided to use other magazines as a guide.
All these are from Empire's magazine, unfortunaly I could not get any from Total Film as they all came up blurry. But from looking at these prices you can see that changed but stay around the price of £3.10-£3.90. I saw it depends who is on the front page and also if any posters are in the magazine which make the prices go up. I have decided to put my magazine to £3.90 as that is the majority that Empire's magazine is and also I will have lots of pages in my magazine.

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