Thursday, 9 February 2012

Preparation for the fourth set of shots

To give the effect of Georgie (Lily) being dirty and kept locked in the cupboard for a long time Jeni and I applied black eye shadow to her eyes and mascara then asked her to rub her eyes a lot. This caused it to smudge, also we put small amounts of black eyeshadow on our finger tips and put them onto her face to cause her to look as though it is covered in dirt or dust.

This is what Georgie looked like after we applied all the make up to her face. As you can see it looks as though dirt is all on her face and gives the appearance she has been locked away in a small dirty place, which is what we needed to happen. Also when we then film her in the dark cupboard her face will not stand out as much due to her pale features.

Above are pictures of me sorting out the small cupboard that will become where Georgie will be 'trapped' in. However we have to move some of the shoes around ads there was not enough room for her also some clothing have to moved so when we filmed she face could be seen.

This is what the final place looked like. We added a mans dressing gown on the floor so Georgie was more comfortable but also to create the small room to be even darker as the flooring is a cream colour. We used a mans wardrobe as then it shows the audience that it is a man that has captured her and gives clues of who it could be.

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