Friday, 17 February 2012

Preperation for fifth set of shots

The fifth set of shots we did was the middle section of the trailer. This is where Shannon and Chelsea are seen. However we had a few problems with our actors we used so in the end we decided it would be best if Jeni and I were in it then Charmaine filmed this was so we did not have to rely on anyone and we all new exactly what we had to do. Therefor I am now 'Shannon' and Jeni is 'Chelsea'.
For these clips we needed to be outside in a wide open space where we find Lily's phone and then are watched from the bushes by the abductor. To do this we looked on Googlemaps to find a good place and decided on the Dartford Heath as there are wide open spaces but also lots of trees and bushes in which we could be watched from. Also it is very easy for us to all get to. As you can see on the left is a picture of where we will be filming this section of the trailer.

We also then had to look and see what the weather was going to be like for the day we were planning to film on to make sure we could do the outside section of the trailer. Luckily the weather was great for us to film as it is not bright and sunny but cloudy and cold which gives the impression of the horror of what they will discover.

The other section of the trailer we were going to film that day was the bedroom scene in which the two friends are talking about Lily's phone they discovered in the open field. For this we used Jeni's room and made a script in which we would learn and use. It is only short as we just want the audience to understand who cares more about the missing of their friend and the one who doesn't. We will keep to the script as close as we can but we will allow some extra words to be added if they sound better.

The last piece of preparation we needed to do was to work out what the two characters will be wearing. As you can see we put Chelsea in a dark coloured top and Shannon in a white one. These two outfits contrast each other allowing the audience to see they have two very different personalities. It also shows how Shannon is more pure where as Chelsea can be seen as mysterious and dark.

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