Friday, 16 September 2011

First set of shots

On Thursday the 15th September we did our first set of shots. The three of us went after school to the selected area and did our first set of shots. We decided that we would just use this time to try and understand the equipment we were given and how our actor, Georgie, would look in different positions.
We came across many problems, one was the lightning. As ours is a thriller film we wanted it to be dark as she was going across field at night, but because we filmed too early in the day it was too bright. However by using Adobe Premiere Elements I was able to edit it to make it look darker. The first clip is too light and although the lighting was reduced you could still see the blue sky. I then tried to put it into black a white to see if that would work better. Although it gives the illusion of darkness better it still does not work completely. The last shot of the shoes works the best as it still gives the colours but in a darker/blue shade, causing it to look dark. It does not look 100% realistic but it is a lot better then what it first looked like. 

Next time we film we are going to try to do it a bit later so the lighting will fit with what we want and we will not need to edit as much.
Some of the shots we did thought worked well and we were happy about how they ended up after some editing. The clips above of a close up of her shoes walking on the ground and her walking along the path worked well for the first shots. I like these shots because they tell us about the character and where she has been, also because we filmed that a bit later then the other slips, the lightning is slightly darker causing editing to be easier.
However, by filming at a lighter time we could easily see what would work and what would not for example the clip below is not going to work because the light reflecting off of her makes her look ghostly and does not work. I believe it would work better at night to shoot this shot as the light would not reflect off of her as much causing a ghost like appearance to happen.

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