Tuesday, 18 October 2011

First clips of the friends

On the 9th of October we did the first shots of the friends. Like before they were not serious shots but ones just to see if they worked well together or not.
However we had many problems this day:
The camera was not charged so we only managed to get one shot by using the camera (the first clip seen below). The rest of the shots we had to use Charmaine's camera on her phone, however the quality was not as good.
One of the friends (the accepting one) no longer wished to be in our trailer so instead I am now going to take that part as I will be reliable to be there each time we film and I will be able to help Shannon on what to do as we film also.
The weather was very windy so filming became difficult.
A dog kept getting into our shots so next time we will try and do it at a time or a place when dog walkers will not be interfering.
However although there were lots of complications with the filming we managed the film the clips below which gave us an insight on what we should do the next time we filmed.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Research on the weather

Before we filmed we made sure that the weather was going to be okay to film in as we did not want to set up for it then to start raining. As it shows in the picture it was said to be good throughout the day and only at night would it rain. We thought this would be perfect as it then would not be too light. However when we went to film the weather was wrong and in fact it was a very sunny day which caused problems with the clips but overall it helped with the filming as it was easy to see where to set everything up whereas it may have been harder in the dark.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011


When filming out trailer we need suitable equipment for it to work well and give the illusion it is a proper film trailer. To do this we need good sound/picture and for it to be steady so it looks professional. For this to happen we are going to use the equipment below.